Oranga Hinengaro

Oranga Hinengaro: Understanding mental wellness through a kaupapa Māori lens.

With over 38 years experience in Te Ao Māori, traditional healing, fighting arts, Te Reo Māori and rongoā, Te Waitere brings a wealth of kaupapa Māori knowledge in a range of areas including Māori health to wananga through traditional evidence based systems of wellness using Oranga Hinengaro.

Challenging and accelerating the decolonisation process of Western mental health models that do not work for Māori.  Te Waitere says we must shift away from models that focus on the illness of the individual in environments that disempower or continue to whakamaa our whānau.  To replace the “I” in illness with “we” as wellness, its about the “we” factor, whānau, reconnection, to whakamana whānau and whānau wellness.


Oct 14 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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